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Deortegas entre los 15 aceites de oliva vírgenes extra españoles más premiados a nivel mundial

Deortegas among the 15 most awarded Spanish extra virgin olive oils worldwide

Deortegas entre los 15 aceites de oliva vírgenes extra españoles más premiados a nivel mundial

Deortegas among the 15 most awarded Spanish extra virgin olive oils worldwide We recommend the most recognized oils, crossing the lists of national and international ...

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A más diversidad, más posibilidades, más vida... #reforestación #biodiversidad

Reforestation on the Fuente la Negra farm

Reforestation of native forest plants in Fuente la Negra. The more diversity, the more possibilities, the more life...

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Rapa, la flor del olivo...

Silver Medal for Picual Deortegas in the "Best Healthy EVOO in the World" Contest

Inside the contest The World Best Healthy Evoo Contest 2018-19 he Deortegas Picual Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil has obtained a Silver Medal for the Healthiest Oil in the World and first from Spai...

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Hojiblanca Deortegas 98 puntos en la Guía de los mejores vírgenes extra del mundo

Hojiblanca Deortegas in the Flos Olei 2020 guide

We are very excited to share great news for us, Hojiblanca Deortegas will be present, with 98 points in the Flos Olei 2020 Guide. This recognition just a few days into the 2019-2020 campaign moti...

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