Use of Nitrogen to prevent oxidation of extra virgin olive oil.
We are in February, two months have already passed since we finished the harvest and the preparation of our extra virgins.
Entering the winery and seeing the tanks full for another year is a great satisfaction, now the importance is in the good conservation of the oils and their care.
Our tanks are made of stainless steel and come in different sizes.
In them we separate the oils by variety and farm of origin.
Once the preparation, decanting and filtering are finished, we let them rest seeking stability.
In this oil conservation process, temperature, light and contact with oxygen are the main factors that endanger the organoleptic and chemical characteristics of extra virgin olive oil.
It is important to consider that constant temperature is one of the secrets to maintaining extra virgin olive oil with all its expression, the optimal storage temperature being approximately 15°C.
This is important to take into account since temperature oscillations could definitively alter the antioxidant properties of polyphenols and tocopherols, which are fundamental elements also from an organoleptic point of view.
At the Deortegas oil mill we control this temperature with the boiler that we feed with the olive pits that we extract during the production of the oil.
Light, as electromagnetic radiation, also influences chemical reactions and therefore can vary the composition of an oil.
Regarding the issue of oxygen, in most cases, any food that is in contact with air develops a whole series of oxidative reactions, varying its chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics.
Fortunately, when extra virgin oils are genuine, they have a series of small compounds, including tocopherols and polyphenols, which in addition to determining greater nutritional value, perform a very important antioxidant action, safeguarding the oil over time.
But it must be taken into account that, despite the protection of these natural antioxidants, prolonged contact of the oil with air results in its rancidity.
At Almazara Deortegas we use Nitrogen in the empty part of the tank above the oil level, to prevent oxidation.
This is an extremely stable, odorless and tasteless gas ideal for protecting the oil inside the tanks.
The oils thus protected maintain their organoleptic properties against oxidation and other chemical and enzymatic alterations and possible microbial proliferation.
What we try to convey is that care throughout the entire process is essential to maintain this organic oil with all its power from the moment we extract it from the olive until the moment you enjoy it on your table, putting all our effort into taking care of every detail. .
We conclude by reinforcing the importance of conserving oil well, also in our homes.
It doesn't matter what the format is, but it's better if we avoid plastic and choose glass or tin. If it is in a bottle that is made of dark glass, preferably always away from any light source, in a closet or dark place and avoiding stoves or sudden changes in temperature and of course well closed to avoid contact with oxygen as much as possible. This way we will keep our EVOO in the best condition until it is used, benefiting after all its expression.